- 毛国勇,中国力学学会第十届固体力学专业委员会第四次会议暨固体力学发展战略研讨会,宁波,5月24-26日,2024
- 毛国勇,2024 年全国固体力学学术会议通知,南京,3月29日-4月1日,2024
- 毛国勇,”软体电磁机器人力学设计”,极端环境下先进材料与结构力学学术会议,武汉,11月17-19日,2023 (邀请报告)
- 毛国勇,第二届全国软物质力学大会,杭州,11月10-12日,2023(会务)
- 毛国勇,”软体电磁机器人力学设计”,第一届中国智能材料与结构大会,苏州,10月27-29日,2023 (邀请报告)
- 毛国勇,航空航天共形器件力学问题高端研讨会,杭州,7月29-31日,2023(会务)
- 毛国勇,第六届软机器与力学研讨会暨首届产学研医国际研讨会, 西安,7月9-10日,2023
- 毛国勇, “软体电磁机器人”, 受杨灿辉教授邀请, 南方科技大学,深圳,3月24日, 2023
- G. Mao, and M. Kaltenbrunner, “A Numerical Approach Based on Finite Element Method for the Wrinkling Analysis of Dielectric Elastomer Membranes”, 11th European Solid Mechanics Conference (ESMC 2022), July 4-8, 2022, Galway, Ireland.
- G. Mao, D. Schiller, M. Kaltenbrunner., “Soft electromagnetic robots”, Shaping the Future of Robotics through Materials Innovation, June 15-18, 2022, Schloss Ringberg, Germany, (Poster)
- G. Mao, “Soft electromagnetic robots”, Engineering and Applied Science Forum, August 16, 2020. (Webinar)
- G. Mao, L. Wu, X. Liang, and S. Qu, ” Analysis and application of voltage-triggered wrinkle of a dielectric elastomer membrane,” 54th Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science and ASME-AMD Joint Conference (SES 2017), July 25-28, 2017, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
- G. Mao, T. Li, and S. Qu, ” Optimization of Tubular Dielectric Elastomer Peristaltic Pump,” The SPIE smart structures/NDE Symposium, March 8-12, 2015, San Diego, California, USA