
More videos about my research: Personal Youtube Channel

Main Projects as Post-doc

Soft Electromagnetic Robots

Type 1, Stationary magnetic field with tunable soft coils

  1. G. Mao#*, D. Schiller#, D. Danninger, B. Hailegnaw, F. Hartmann, T. Stockinger, M. Drack, N. Arnold, M. Kaltenbrunner*. Ultrafast small-scale soft electromagnetic robots, Nature Communications, 13, 4456 (2022).
  2. G. Mao*, M Drack#, M. Karami-Mosammam#, D. Wirthl, T. Stockinger, R. Schwödiauer, M. Kaltenbrunner*. Soft electromagnetic actuatorsScience Advances, (2020), DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abc0251.

Type 2, Soft magnetic robots with tunable electromagnetic fields

  1. X. Wang#, G. Mao#, J. Ge , M. Drack , G. S. C. Bermúdez , D. Wirthl , R. Illing , T. Kosub , L. Bischoff , C. Wang , J. Fassbender , M. Kaltenbrunner, D. Makarov. Untethered and ultrafast soft-bodied robotsCommunications materials, 2020,

Main Projects as Ph.D. student

Wrinkles of Dielectric Elastomer Membrane:

Related Articles:

  1. G. Mao, W. Hong, M. Kaltenbrunner, S. Qu, A numerical approach based on finite element method for the wrinkling analysis of dielectric elastomer membranes, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2021. doi:
  2. G. Mao, L. Wu, Y. Fu, J. Liu, S. Qu, Voltage-controlled radial wrinkles of a trumpet-like dielectric elastomer structure, AIP Adv., 8 (2018) 035314.
  3. G. Mao, Y. Xiang, X. Huang, W. Hong, T. Lu, S. Qu, Viscoelastic effect on the wrinkling of an inflated dielectric elastomer balloon, J. Appl. Mech.-Trans. ASME, 85 (2018) 071003.
  4. G. Mao, S. Qu, Review on the instability of dielectric elastomer structures and devices subjected to electromechanical loading, SCIENTIA SINICA Physica, Mechanica & Astronomica, 9 (2018), 094607.
  5. G. Mao, L. Wu, X. Liang, S. Qu, Morphology of Voltage-Triggered Ordered Wrinkles of a Dielectric Elastomer Sheet, J. Appl. Mech.-Trans. ASME, 84 (2017) 111005-111001-111005.
  6. G. Mao, X. Huang, M. Diab, J. Liu, S. Qu, Controlling wrinkles on the surface of a dielectric elastomer balloon, Extreme Mech. Lett., 9 (2016) 139-146.
  7. G. Mao, X. Huang, M. Diab, T. Li, S. Qu, W. Yang, Nucleation and Propagation of Voltage-driven Wrinkles in an Inflated Dielectric Elastomer Balloon, Soft Matter, 11 (2015) 6569-6575.

Dielectric  Elastomer Pump:

  1. G. Mao, L. Wu, Y. Fu, Z. Chen, S. Natani, Z. Gou, X. Ruan, S. Qu, Design and Characterization of a Soft Dielectric Elastomer Peristaltic Pump Driven by Electromechanical Load, IEEE-ASME Trans. Mechatron., 5 (2018) 2132-2143.
  2. G. Mao, X. Huang, J. Liu, T. Li, S. Qu, W. Yang, Dielectric elastomer peristaltic pump module with finite deformation, Smart Mater. Struct., 24 (2015) 075026.
  3. G. Mao, T. Li, Z. Zou, S. Qu, M. Shi, Prestretch effect on snap-through instability of short-length tubular elastomeric balloons under inflation, Int. J. Solids Struct., 51 (2014) 2109-2115.

Cooperation Project (Selected)

Soft Robotics & Actuators:

Dielectric Elastomer Soft Robot

T. Li, Z. Zou, G. Mao, X. Yang, Y. Liang, C. Li, S. Qu, Z. Suo, W. Yang, Agile and resilient insect-scale robot, Soft Robotics, (2018), 6 (2018) 133-141.

Dielectric Elastomer Bi-stable Actuator

T. Li, Z. Zou, G. Mao, S. Qu, Electromechanical bi-stable behavior of a novel dielectric elastomer actuator, J. Appl. Mech.-Trans. ASME, 81 (2013) 041019.

Pneumatic actuators

M. Baumgartner , F. Hartmann , M. Drack , D. Preninger , D. Wirthl , R. Gerstmayr , L. Lehner , G. Mao , R. Pruckner , S. Demchyshyn , L. Reiter , M. Strobel , T. Stockinger , D. Schiller , F. Greibich , G. Buchberger , E. Bradt , S. Hild , M. Kaltenbrunner, S. Bauer, Nature Material, 2020,


Liquid metal-based sensor:  simulation with ABAQUS & COMSOL

Y. Wang, Z. Yu, G. Mao, Y. Liu, G. Liu, J. Shang, S. Qu, Q. Chen and R.-W. Li, Printable Liquid-Metal@PDMS Stretchable Heater with High Stretchability and Dynamic Stability for Wearable Thermotherapy. Adv. Mater. Technol., 4 (2019), 1800435.

X. Yi, Z. Yu, X. Niu, J. Shang, G. Mao, T. Yin, H. Yang, W. Xue, P. Dhanapal, S. Qu, G. Liu and R.-W. Li, Intrinsically Stretchable Resistive Switching Memory Enabled by Combining a Liquid Metal–Based Soft Electrode and a Metal–Organic Framework Insulator. Adv. Electron. Mater., 5 (2019), 1800655.

Y. Zheng,† Z. Yu,† G. Mao, Y. Li, W. Asghar, Y. Liu, S. Qu, J. Shang,* and R. Li*, A Wearable Capacitive Sensor Based on Ring/Disk‐Shaped Electrode and Porous Dielectric for Noncontact Healthcare Monitoring, Global Challenges, 2020,

Material Science:

Hydrogel Composite

L. Wu, G. Mao, G. Nian, Y. Xiang, J. Qian, S. Qu, Mechanical Characterization and Modeling of Sponge-Reinforced Hydrogel Composites under Compression, Soft Matter, 14 (2018) 4355-4363.

Pure Mechanics:

J. Liu, Z. Chen, X. Liang, X. Huang, G. Mao, W. Hong, H. Yu, S. Qu, Puncture mechanics of soft elastomeric membrane with large deformation by rigid cylindrical indenter, J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 112 (2018) 458-471.

Y. Xiang, D. Zhong, P. Wang, G. Mao, H. Yu, S. Qu, A general constitutive model of soft elastomers, J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 117 (2018) 110-122.