It is a little bit annoying that Coreldraw correct my i… 继续阅读 How to cancel the auto replacement of typing in Coreldraw 2020
联想拯救者Legion 5 Pro(国内型号R9000P 2021)体验
之前用的笔记本是dell precision 7520丐版(i7-7700HQ+M1200 升级到32GB 内… 继续阅读 联想拯救者Legion 5 Pro(国内型号R9000P 2021)体验
今天利用达芬奇软件剪辑了两个时间长度为1分40秒的FHD@50Hz的视频,cpu占用30%, RAM占用直接上… 继续阅读 达芬奇剪辑软件对于内存的巨大占用
use laser printer to create mesh grid for the experiment
Here I create a CDR file with CorelDraw software
a set of interesting papers written by George M. Whitesides
Here I collect some interesting paper written by George… 继续阅读 a set of interesting papers written by George M. Whitesides
RT 使用阿里云独立虚拟主机国内节点,在欧洲通过FTP访问服务器的文件,速度特别慢,而且时常没有响应,需要重新… 继续阅读 海外使用FTP访问阿里云服务器奇慢无比
Elastomers, rubbers, silicones, comparison
material Viscosity (base & Mixed) Tensile strength … 继续阅读 Elastomers, rubbers, silicones, comparison
A method to fitting the magnetic field of a plate magnet.
I find I make wrong table in my paper (Soft electromagn… 继续阅读 A method to fitting the magnetic field of a plate magnet.
Made in China in a view of a researcher
While reading a paper, I got a intresting finding. The … 继续阅读 Made in China in a view of a researcher
申请表:Antragsteller ( 护照# 需要护照首页,理论上所有含有信息的页面都需… 继续阅读 奥地利科研人员居留延期申请