A numerical approach based on finite element method for the wrinkling analysis of dielectric elastomer membranes


When using this method, please cite the paper,

Mao, G., Hong, W., Kaltenbrunner, M., and Qu, S. (May 19, 2021). “A numerical approach based on finite element method for the wrinkling analysis of dielectric elastomer membranes.” ASME. J. Appl. Mech. doi: https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4051212

Supplementary material for the paper can be downloaded from the following link.

~~~~~~more about the simulation of dielectric elastomer~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The usage of this subroutine can be found here:


Today, I have a request from a graduate student asking me some questions about the prebuckling process of the wrinkle analysis. Here I upload the .inp file (corresponding to the result in Fig. 1b) for this step, maybe this can help someone to find the mistake in simulation, especially for the beginner.

Recently, I keep receiving questions about the details from that graduate student about this work. Here I would like to add some additional information to the simulation.

  1. prebuckling: the stress is added to the model by theraml stress which is provided by ABAQUS itself which is a internal future.
  2. Post-buckling: How to involve the prestretch? Just applying displacement to the membrane. How to introduce the imperfection from shell element to solid elementm? You can build two model with shell element (S4R) and solid element (C3D20RH). Then try to match the points of solid element with the imperfection/wrinkle molds from shell element (prebuckling) as descirbed in the manuscript. Or in another word, tune the position of nodes in solide element accroding a rule. This can be done with Matlab or Python.


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