Bugs of ABAQUS2MATLAB 插件的错误规整

bug 1在使用ABAQUS2MATLAB的过程可能会出现MATLAB的崩溃,这个主要是因为时区的设置不正确。所以需要进行下面三步操作。
1) Did you install the app permanently? If not, then either go to Tools->Install Library Permanently in the Abaqus2Matlab GUI window or open the file Abaqus2MatlabSetUp.m and run it (or press F5).
2) On your PC, go to Control Panel->Change date, time, or number formats->Formats tab->Format: and select English (United States)
3) On your PC, go to Control Panel->Change date, time, or number formats->Administrative tab->Change system locale and select English (United States).
Please follow the above instructions and let me know if your problem is resolved.

Bugs of ABAQUS2MATLAB 插件的错误规整》有1条评论


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