ABAQUS用户子程序安装 Link intel Fortran with Abaqus 2018 based on Intel OneAPI

配置 ABAQUS的用户子程序

My platform is listed below

Windows 11
Device name DESKTOP
Processor AMD Ryzen
Installed RAM 64.0 GB
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

Software platform:

  1. Visual studio community 2019, install Desktop development with C++ with all individual components.
  2. Intel® oneAPI Base Toolkit, all defualt
  3. Intel® oneAPI HPC Toolkit, all defualt
  4. ABAQUS 2018

The steps to install the software, 1. visual studio, 2 intel, 3 ABAQUS
when installing intel, please make sure that install all the components, especially intel 64. Generally, the intel the studio will connect the visual studio during installment (you can even specify the version of the studio to link during the installment)

After installing all the software, change the file (abq2018.bat) in the fold(: C:\SIMULIA\Commands as follows:

@call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" X64
@call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\compiler\2022.0.2\env\vars.bat" intel64 vs2019
@echo off
set ABA_COMMAND=%~nx0
"C:\SIMULIA\CAE\2018\win_b64\code\bin\ABQLauncher.exe" %*

The subroutine in ABAQUS should work now.


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