最近要写中文报告,所以买了个一个月的高级会员体验了下秘塔写作猫。这个软件在检查中英文标点上还是很给力的,比我自… 继续阅读 秘塔写作猫体验报告(学术角度)
SteelSeries Sensei RAW vs SteelSeries Sensei Ten
赛睿鼠标对比Sensi RAW与十周年纪念版 I have two Sensei Raw mouses, on… 继续阅读 SteelSeries Sensei RAW vs SteelSeries Sensei Ten
Electric properties of matter
Al2O3 (aluminum dioxide) has a high band gap 9 eV, a hi… 继续阅读 Electric properties of matter
The crash of Star wars battlefront 2
As always crash during playing this game, I try to get … 继续阅读 The crash of Star wars battlefront 2
Synchronization issues across different operating systems: filename
Today, my colleague create a file in the shared folder … 继续阅读 Synchronization issues across different operating systems: filename
今天打开电脑发现word十分卡顿,非常不正常。打开任务管理器出现了一个进程,protect.exe, cpu占… 继续阅读 电脑被偷偷安装了挖矿软件protect.exe一路赚钱
Compatibility between Microsoft Word and google docs
Microsoft word 和google doc的兼容性问题 Recently I use google … 继续阅读 Compatibility between Microsoft Word and google docs
How to block spam comments 有了网站才明白垃圾评论这么多。这里推荐三个插件阻止垃圾评… 继续阅读 WordPress:如何屏蔽垃圾评论
XGP & EA Play Games list and comments EA play 会员以及游戏推荐
Recently, I bought the EA play membership and have trie… 继续阅读 XGP & EA Play Games list and comments EA play 会员以及游戏推荐
这一块就让我记录下奥地利工作生活发生的有意思的事。 今天见到了S,S是坚决不打疫苗的,所谓的顽固派。但是奥地利… 继续阅读 奥地利日常生活小记